A loving caring community serving all
Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ. Easter usually occurs on the first
Sunday after the full moon or after the vernal equinox. We begin our celebration of Easter at sunset on the eve of Easter with the Great Vigil of Easter.
The Great Vigil begins in darkness between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday. The service consists of four parts: The Service of Light, The Service of Lessons, Christian Initiation or the Renewal of Baptismal Vows and the Eucharist.
White is worn during the Easter season, it symbolizes joy, purity and truth.
Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ. Easter usually occurs on the first
Sunday after the full moon or after the vernal equinox. We begin our celebration of Easter at sunset on the eve of Easter with the Great Vigil of Easter.
The Great Vigil begins in darkness between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday. The service consists of four parts: The Service of Light, The Service of Lessons, Christian Initiation or the Renewal of Baptismal Vows and the Eucharist.
White is worn during the Easter season, it symbolizes joy, purity and truth.
Christ is risen from the dead; trampling down death by death, and to those within the tomb bestowing life!
The Easter hymn above reminds us of Christ’s victory over the forces
that have kept humanity enslaved—sin and death— from our first
appearance on this earth. Adam, the old archetype (humanity 1.0, you
might say) introduced sin into the world by choosing self over God, and
that choice resulted in death because sin is a voluntary separation from
God, and God is the principle of life. So how could sin fail to result in death? That is, if you voluntarily separate yourself from the principle then death is
the inevitable consequence, right? In contrast to this, Jesus, the new
archetype (humanity 2.0) chose God over self and in so doing he overcame death and the tomb; not only for himself but for all of us whose nature he shares. And this makes sense too because in choosing God Jesus was choosing life. By the way, the foregoing line of reasoning explains Jesus’ enigmatic statement that “those who want to save their life will lose it, and
those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, save it” (Mark 8:35)
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