A loving caring community serving all
Jackie Oxenford
It was an honor and pleasure to serve as
Rector's Warden for Fr. Tim. During my
tenure, my goal was to be sure to welcome
Newcomers who attended St. Luke's on
Sunday and make them feel welcomed.
Also, I tried to emphasize the importance of attending church every Sunday so we can all grow and nurture our spiritual journey.
We are so blessed to have Fr. Tim as our priest and shepherd.
Blessings to all.
Jackie O
Colleen Szczur
Colleen has been on the vestry for six years, and
Senior Warden the past few years. She retired as
Senior Warden in 2018. Colleen has been instrumental in making the thrift store the success it is today.
She still coordinates the ARK and helps in so many
ways to support St Luke's and its congregation to
grow. Colleen demonstrates what stewardship
means. She is an exceptional role model for all.