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Palm Sunday
Paschal Tridumm is Latin for " three days of Easter". The Paschal Tridumm is considered the most sacred days of the church year. It is the final Sunday of Lent and the start of Holy Week, one week before Easter Sunday.
Palm Sunday representing the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as Savior and King days prior to his crucifixion by Ponitus Pilot. His crucifixion was the ultimate sacrifice for us to be free of death and have a new life in Jesus Christ.
The palm waved as Jesus passed into Jerusalem represents goodness and the final victory over death. The priest offers congregation members blessed palm in remembrance of this during mass.
The donkey Jesus rode on into Jerusalem symbolized peace.
“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9, ESV), words called out by Jews as Jesus entered the city, acknowledged Jesus as their Messiah. "Hosanna" indicated the hop . This is what Jesus Christ wishes for us.